Arrowroot Yield Per Acre in Kenya

Arrowroot Yield Per Acre In Kenya

Arrowroot farming in Kenya offers promising yields and profitability potential. Typically, arrowroot yields range from 20 to 40 tonnes per hectare, equivalent to approximately 8 to 16 tonnes per acre, depending on factors like soil quality and farming techniques.

Farmers can expect potential profits of about KES 650,000 per acre, considering an initial investment of around KES 100,000 for establishment.

With arrowroot priced at approximately KES 100 per kilogram, harvesting 8 tonnes per acre could generate revenues of KES 800,000, leading to significant profits after deducting production costs.

Arrowroot matures over 8 to 12 months, with optimal harvesting recommended around the 11-month mark to maximize yields.

The stable market price of arrowroot in Kenya, combined with increasing demand due to its health benefits, underscores its viability as a profitable crop for farmers in the region.

Arrowroot Yield Per Acre in Kenya

Arrowroot Farming in Kenya

Arrowroot farming in Kenya is gaining popularity due to its high nutritional value and increasing market demand. This article explores the yield per acre, profitability, maturation period, and current market prices of arrowroots in Kenya.

By understanding these factors, farmers can optimize their production and maximize their returns.

How Profitable Is Arrowroot Farming in Kenya?

Arrowroot farming in Kenya can be profitable due to several factors. Farmers typically report potential profits of around KES 650,000 per acre, depending on market conditions, yield, and management practices.

Initial capital investment is relatively low, estimated at approximately KES 50,000 per acre for establishment. With arrowroot priced at about KES 100 per kilogram, and yields ranging from 8 to 16 tons per acre, farmers can potentially earn revenues of up to KES 800,000 per acre.

After deducting production costs, which include expenses for land preparation, planting materials, labor, and maintenance, net profits can be substantial.

Factors Influencing Profitability

  1. High Demand: Arrowroots are a staple food in many Kenyan households and are used in various culinary dishes. The growing awareness of their nutritional benefits has further increased demand.
  2. Favorable Climate: Kenya’s diverse climatic zones provide suitable conditions for arrowroot cultivation. The crop thrives in areas with adequate rainfall and well-drained soils.
  3. Variety Selection: High-yielding and disease-resistant arrowroot varieties enhance productivity and profitability.
  4. Efficient Farming Practices: Proper land preparation, timely planting, irrigation, and pest control are crucial for maximizing yield and profitability.

Arrowroot Yield Per Acre in Kenya

How Long Does Arrowroot Take to Mature in Kenya?

The maturation period of arrowroots in Kenya varies depending on the variety and growing conditions. Generally, arrowroots take about 6 to 10 months to mature.

Maturity Timeline

  1. Germination: Arrowroot rhizomes sprout within 2 to 3 weeks after planting.
  2. Vegetative Growth: The vegetative stage lasts for about 4 to 6 months, during which the plant develops leaves and stems.
  3. Rhizome Development: The rhizomes, which are the edible parts, develop and mature over the next 2 to 4 months.
  4. Harvesting: Arrowroots are typically ready for harvest 6 to 10 months after planting, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

Arrowroot Yield Per Acre in Kenya

The yield of arrowroots per acre in Kenya depends on several factors including variety, soil fertility, and farming practices.

On average, farmers can expect to harvest between 8 to 16 tons of arrowroots per acre.

Arrowroot Yield Per Acre in Kenya

Yield Determinants

  1. Variety: Different arrowroot varieties have different yield potentials. Selecting high-yielding varieties is essential for maximizing production.
  2. Soil Fertility: Arrowroots thrive in fertile, well-drained soils. Regular soil testing and appropriate fertilization can significantly boost yields.
  3. Farming Practices: Proper spacing, timely planting, adequate irrigation, and effective pest control are crucial for achieving high yields. Typically, farmers plant arrowroots at a spacing of 60 cm by 60 cm, which allows for optimal growth and development.

How Much Is Arrowroot in Kenya?

The market price of arrowroots in Kenya varies based on factors such as demand, supply, and quality. On average, arrowroots sell for KES 80 to KES 120 per kilogram.

Market Dynamics

  1. Local Demand: Arrowroots are widely consumed in Kenya, driving strong local demand. The crop is sold in local markets, supermarkets, and directly to consumers.
  2. Supply Factors: The availability of arrowroots affects market prices. During peak harvest seasons, prices may drop due to increased supply, while off-season prices can be higher.
  3. Quality: High-quality arrowroots that are free from pests and diseases fetch higher prices in the market.

Arrowroot Yield Per Acre in Kenya


How profitable is arrowroot farming in Kenya? Arrowroot farming is highly profitable in Kenya due to strong market demand, favorable growing conditions, and the crop’s high nutritional value. With proper management, farmers can achieve significant returns.

How long does arrowroot take to mature in Kenya? Arrowroots typically take 6 to 10 months to mature in Kenya, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

How much is arrowroot in Kenya? The average market price for arrowroots in Kenya ranges from KES 80 to KES 120 per kilogram, depending on demand, supply, and quality.

What factors influence the yield of arrowroots per acre in Kenya? Factors influencing the yield include variety selection, soil fertility, climatic conditions, and farming practices such as spacing, irrigation, and pest control.

What are the key factors affecting the profitability of arrowroot farming in Kenya? Key factors include high market demand, favorable climate, efficient farming practices, and the selection of high-yielding and disease-resistant varieties.

What is the best time to plant arrowroots in Kenya? The best time to plant arrowroots in Kenya is at the onset of the rainy season to ensure adequate moisture for germination and early growth. However, with proper irrigation, planting can be done throughout the year.

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