Pixie Oranges Yield Per Acre

Cost Of Farming One Acre Of Pixie Oranges In Kenya

Pixie oranges, known for their sweet flavor and easy-to-peel nature, are becoming increasingly popular among farmers in Kenya.

Growing Pixie oranges can be a profitable venture, but it requires a comprehensive understanding of the costs involved.

This article breaks down the expenses associated with farming one acre of Pixie oranges, including land preparation, planting, maintenance, and potential returns.

Land Preparation Costs

Land preparation is the initial and crucial step in establishing a Pixie orange orchard. This process involves clearing, plowing, and preparing the soil to ensure optimal growing conditions.

  • Land Clearing: KSh 5,000 – KSh 10,000
  • Plowing and Harrowing: KSh 6,000 – KSh 10,000

Total land preparation cost: KSh 11,000 – KSh 20,000

Seedling Costs

Pixie oranges are typically propagated through grafted seedlings. The cost of quality seedlings is an important investment for a successful orchard.

  • Number of Seedlings per Acre: Approximately 160-250 seedlings
  • Cost per Seedling: KSh 150 – KSh 250

Total seedling cost: KSh 24,000 – KSh 62,500

Fertilizer and Soil Amendment Costs

Proper fertilization is essential for the growth and productivity of Pixie orange trees. Various fertilizers and soil amendments are required throughout the growing season.

  • Basal Fertilizer (DAP): KSh 5,500 for 50 kg
  • Top Dressing (CAN or Urea): KSh 2,500 for 50 kg
  • Organic Manure: KSh 2,000 per ton (2-3 tons needed)
  • Foliar Fertilizers: KSh 2,000 – KSh 3,000 per application (3-4 applications per year)

Total fertilizer cost: KSh 15,500 – KSh 22,000

Irrigation Costs

Adequate irrigation is crucial, especially in the dry seasons. The method of irrigation can significantly influence the overall cost.

  • Drip Irrigation System: KSh 70,000 – KSh 100,000 (initial setup)
  • Manual Watering Costs: KSh 10,000 – KSh 15,000 per season

Total irrigation cost: KSh 10,000 – KSh 100,000

Labor Costs

Labor costs are ongoing expenses that cover various activities such as planting, weeding, pruning, and harvesting.

  • Planting: KSh 5,000 – KSh 7,000
  • Weeding and Pruning: KSh 8,000 – KSh 12,000 (multiple sessions per year)
  • Pest and Disease Control: KSh 4,000 – KSh 6,000
  • Harvesting: KSh 6,000 – KSh 10,000

Total labor cost: KSh 23,000 – KSh 35,000

Pest and Disease Control Costs

Protecting Pixie oranges from pests and diseases is vital for ensuring a good yield. This involves regular monitoring and application of pesticides and fungicides.

  • Pesticides: KSh 3,000 – KSh 5,000 per year
  • Fungicides: KSh 2,000 – KSh 3,000 per year

Total pest and disease control cost: KSh 5,000 – KSh 8,000

Miscellaneous Costs

Other miscellaneous expenses include transportation, administrative costs, and unforeseen expenditures.

  • Transportation: KSh 5,000 – KSh 10,000
  • Miscellaneous: KSh 5,000 – KSh 7,000

Total miscellaneous cost: KSh 10,000 – KSh 17,000

Total Cost Summary

Summarizing all the costs involved in farming one acre of Pixie oranges in Kenya:

Cost Item Cost Range (KSh)
Land Preparation 11,000 – 20,000
Seedlings 24,000 – 62,500
Fertilizers and Soil Amendments 15,500 – 24,000
Irrigation 10,000 – 100,000
Labor 23,000 – 35,000
Pest and Disease Control 5,000 – 8,000
Miscellaneous 10,000 – 17,000
Total Estimated Cost 98,500 – 264,500

Potential Returns

With proper care and management, Pixie orange trees start bearing fruit in 2-3 years. A mature Pixie orange tree can yield 50-60 kilograms of fruit per year or an average a yield ranging from 10 to 15 tons per acre under optimal conditions.

A pixie tree can produce an average of 60 kgs a season with farm gate price per kg being Ksh 120. One acre having 250 trees at a spacing of 4m by 4m can give you 1.8 million.

  • Number of Trees per Acre: 160-250
  • Average Yield per Tree: 50-60 kgs
  • Total Yield per Acre: 8,000 – 15,000 kg

The market price for Pixie oranges ranges from KSh 80 to KSh 150 per kilogram.

Potential revenue per acre: KSh 640,000 – KSh 2,250,000

Profit Calculation

Subtracting the total cost from the potential revenue gives an estimate of the profit.

  • Minimum Profit: KSh 640,000 (revenue) – KSh 264,500 (cost) = KSh 376,500
  • Maximum Profit: KSh 2,250,000 (revenue) – KSh 98,500 (cost) = KSh 2,151,500

Therefore, farming one acre of Pixie oranges in Kenya can yield a profit ranging from KSh 376,500 to KSh 2,151,500, depending on various factors like yield, selling price, and costs.


How much does it cost to farm one acre of Pixie oranges in Kenya? The cost ranges from KSh 98,500 to KSh 264,500, depending on various factors such as irrigation method and labor costs.

What is the average yield of Pixie oranges per acre in Kenya? The average yield ranges from 8,000 to 15,000 kilograms per acre.

How much can a farmer earn from one acre of Pixie oranges in Kenya? Potential earnings can range from from KSh 376,500 to KSh 2,151,500 per acre, depending on the selling price and yield.

What are the main expenses in Pixie orange farming? Main expenses include land preparation, seedlings, fertilizers, irrigation, labor, and pest control.

Is Pixie orange farming profitable in Kenya? Yes, Pixie orange farming can be highly profitable with good agricultural practices and proper management.

How long does it take for Pixie orange trees to start bearing fruit? Pixie orange trees typically start bearing fruit in 2-3 years.


Pixie orange farming in Kenya offers a lucrative opportunity for farmers. By understanding the costs involved and implementing efficient farming practices, farmers can maximize their profits and contribute to the agricultural economy. With careful planning and management, the rewards from Pixie orange farming can be substantial.


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