Cost of Farming One Acre Of Watermelon In Kenya

Cost of Farming One Acre Of Watermelon In Kenya

Farming watermelons in Kenya offers significant profit potential, but understanding the costs involved is crucial for maximizing returns. This guide breaks down the expenses of cultivating one acre of watermelon, covering everything from initial land preparation to harvest, providing clarity on profitability.

How much does it cost to farm one acre of watermelon in Kenya? The cost ranges from KSh 49,000 to KSh 131,500, influenced by factors such as irrigation methods and labor expenses.

Cost of Farming One Acre Of Watermelon In Kenya

Farming watermelons can be a profitable venture in Kenya, but understanding the costs involved is crucial for maximizing returns.

Kenya cultivates several watermelon varieties, including Maridadi F1, Sukari F1, and others, each known for specific traits like high yield, sweetness, and resistance to diseases, ensuring suitability for various farming conditions across the country.

This guide provides a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with farming one acre of watermelon, from seed purchase to harvest, including labor, inputs, and potential profits.

Cost of Farming One Acre Of Watermelon In Kenya

Land Preparation Costs

Preparing the land is the first and essential step in watermelon farming. This involves clearing, plowing, and harrowing.

  • Land Clearing: KSh 5,000 – KSh 10,000
  • Plowing: KSh 4,000 – KSh 6,000
  • Harrowing: KSh 3,000 – KSh 5,000

Total land preparation cost: KSh 12,000 – KSh 21,000

Watermelon Seed Costs

The choice of seed significantly impacts the yield and quality of the watermelons. Popular varieties include Maridadi F1, Sukari F1, and others.

  • Seed Cost per Kilogram: KSh 7,000 – KSh 10,000
  • Seed Rate per Acre: 500-700 grams

Total seed cost: KSh 3,500 – KSh 7,000

Fertilizer Costs

Fertilizers are essential for healthy plant growth and high yields. Different types of fertilizers are required at various stages of growth.

  • Basal Fertilizer (DAP): KSh 5500 for 50 kg
  • Top Dressing (CAN or Urea): KSh 3,500 for 50 kg
  • Foliar Fertilizer: KSh 1,500 per application (3-4 applications needed)

Total fertilizer cost: KSh 9,500 – KSh 10,500

Irrigation Costs

Watermelons require adequate water, especially during dry periods. Costs can vary based on the irrigation method.

  • Drip Irrigation System: KSh 40,000 – KSh 60,000 per acre (initial setup)
  • Manual Watering Costs: KSh 5,000 – KSh 10,000 per season (labor and water costs)

Total irrigation cost: KSh 5,000 – KSh 60,000

Labor Costs

Labor is needed for various activities, including planting, weeding, and harvesting.

  • Planting: KSh 2,000 – KSh 3,000
  • Weeding: KSh 3,000 – KSh 5,000 (two sessions)
  • Pest and Disease Control: KSh 2,000 – KSh 4,000
  • Harvesting: KSh 3,000 – KSh 5,000

Total labor cost: KSh 10,000 – KSh 17,000

Pest and Disease Control Costs

Protecting the crop from pests and diseases is crucial for ensuring a good yield.

  • Pesticides: KSh 3,000 – KSh 5,000 per acre
  • Fungicides: KSh 2,000 – KSh 3,000 per acre

Total pest and disease control cost: KSh 5,000 – KSh 8,000

Miscellaneous Costs

Other expenses that may arise during the farming process.

  • Transportation: KSh 2,000 – KSh 5,000 (for transporting harvest to market)
  • Miscellaneous: KSh 2,000 – KSh 3,000 (unexpected expenses)

Total miscellaneous cost: KSh 4,000 – KSh 8,000

Cost of Farming One Acre Of Watermelon In Kenya

Total Cost Summary

Summarizing all the costs involved in farming one acre of watermelon in Kenya:

Cost Item Cost Range (KSh)
Land Preparation 12,000 – 21,000
Seeds 3,500 – 7,000
Fertilizers 9,500 – 10,500
Irrigation 5,000 – 60,000
Labor 10,000 – 17,000
Pest and Disease Control 5,000 – 8,000
Miscellaneous 4,000 – 8,000
Total Estimated Cost 49,000 – 131,500

Potential Returns

With good agricultural practices, farmers can expect an average yield of 20 to 35 tons per acre. The selling price for watermelons ranges from KSh 20 to KSh 30 per kilogram.

  • Average Yield: 20,000 – 30,000 kg per acre
  • Selling Price: KSh 20 – KSh 30 per kg

Potential revenue per acre: KSh 400,000 – KSh 900,000

Profit Calculation

Subtracting the total cost from the potential revenue gives an estimate of the profit.

  • Minimum Profit: KSh 400,000 (revenue) – KSh 131,500 (cost) = KSh 268,500
  • Maximum Profit: KSh 900,000 (revenue) – KSh 49,000 (cost) = KSh 953,000

Therefore, farming one acre of watermelon in Kenya can yield a profit ranging from KSh 268,500 to KSh 851,000, depending on various factors like yield, selling price, and costs.

Cost of Farming One Acre Of Watermelon In Kenya


How much does it cost to farm one acre of watermelon in Kenya?

The cost ranges from KSh 49,000 to KSh 131,500, depending on various factors such as irrigation method and labor costs.

What is the average yield of watermelon per acre in Kenya?

The average yield ranges from 20 to 35 tons per acre.

How much can a farmer earn from one acre of watermelon in Kenya? Potential earnings can range from KSh 400,000 to KSh 900,000 per acre, depending on the selling price and yield.

What are the main expenses in watermelon farming?

Main expenses include land preparation, seeds, fertilizers, irrigation, labor, and pest control.

Is watermelon farming profitable in Kenya? Yes, watermelon farming can be highly profitable with good agricultural practices and proper management.

How long does it take to harvest watermelons in Kenya?

Watermelons typically take 80 to 90 days from planting to harvest.


Watermelon farming in Kenya presents a lucrative opportunity for farmers. By understanding the costs involved and implementing efficient farming practices, farmers can maximize their profits and contribute to the agricultural economy. With careful planning and management, the rewards from watermelon farming can be substantial.

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