Cost Of Farming Tomatoes Per Acre In Kenya

Cost Of Farming Tomatoes Per Acre In Kenya

Farming tomatoes on one acre in Kenya involves estimated costs ranging from KES 161,000 to 362,000 per season, covering expenses such as land preparation, seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides, labor, and irrigation.

Yields typically range from 15,000 to 35,000 kg per acre, depending on variety and farming practices. For instance, the Kilele F1 variety can yield up to 35,000 kg. At an average selling price of KES 50 per kg, potential earnings from one acre could reach KES 1.5 million under optimal conditions.

Deducting production costs, which might be around KES 161,000, could yield a substantial gross profit of approximately KES 1.34 million per acre.

Cost Of Farming Tomatoes Per Acre In Kenya

Understanding The Cost Of Farming Tomatoes Per Acre In Kenya

Understanding the cost of farming tomatoes per acre in Kenya helps farmers make informed decisions and plan effectively. The investment in proper land preparation, quality seedlings, and efficient irrigation systems is crucial for high yields.

Ongoing maintenance, including irrigation, fertilization, pest management, and labor, ensures the health and productivity of the crop.

Despite the costs, the high demand for tomatoes and their profitability make tomato farming a viable and rewarding agricultural venture

Initial Land Preparation Costs

Land Rent Cost

Acquiring land is the first major expense. The cost of land in Kenya varies significantly depending on the region. In rural areas, land rent prices are generally lower compared to urban and peri-urban areas.

On average, land rent costs range from Ksh 10,000 to Ksh 50,000 per acre. The choice of location affects not only the cost but also factors like soil fertility and access to markets.

Land Preparation

Preparing the land for tomato farming involves several steps: clearing vegetation, plowing, and creating raised beds or ridges for better drainage. These activities require labor and machinery.

Typically, land preparation costs between Ksh 15,000 and Ksh 35,000 per acre. Proper land preparation is crucial for optimal tomato growth, affecting both yield and quality.

Soil Testing and Amendments

Before planting tomatoes, soil testing is essential to determine nutrient levels and pH. Soil tests cost around Ksh 1,000 to Ksh 2,000 per sample. Based on the results, farmers may need to amend the soil with lime, manure, or fertilizers. Soil amendments can cost between Ksh 10,000 and Ksh 20,000 per acre, ensuring the soil conditions are optimal for tomato cultivation.

Irrigation System Setup

Tomatoes require a consistent water supply, making irrigation systems a critical investment. Drip irrigation is preferred due to its efficiency.

Setting up a drip irrigation system costs approximately Ksh 40,000 to Ksh 80,000 per acre. This system not only conserves water but also ensures that tomatoes receive adequate moisture throughout their growing period.

Seedling Costs

Purchasing quality tomato seeds or seedlings is another significant initial cost. The price varies based on the variety and source.

On average, the cost of tomato seeds per acre ranges from Ksh 10,000 to Ksh 25,000. Opting for certified seeds can enhance disease resistance and yield, justifying the investment.

Initial Investment Summary

Item Cost (Ksh)
Land Acquisition 10,000 – 50,000
Land Preparation 15,000 – 35,000
Soil Testing and Amendments 11,000 – 22,000
Irrigation System Setup 40,000 – 80,000
Seedling Costs 10,000 – 25,000
Total Initial Investment 86,000 – 212,000

Ongoing Maintenance Costs

Watering and Irrigation Maintenance

Maintaining the irrigation system and ensuring a steady water supply is vital. Annual costs for water and irrigation maintenance range from Ksh 15,000 to Ksh 25,000 per acre.

Regular checks and repairs of the drip system are necessary to prevent water wastage and ensure efficiency.


Tomatoes are heavy feeders and require a balanced supply of nutrients. The annual cost for fertilizers, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, is estimated between Ksh 20,000 and Ksh 40,000 per acre. Using organic fertilizers can also improve soil health and sustainability.

Pest and Disease Management

Despite tomatoes being relatively pest-resistant, occasional treatments for pests and diseases are necessary. The annual cost for pest and disease control is approximately Ksh 5,000 to Ksh 15,000 per acre. Regular monitoring and timely interventions can prevent significant crop losses.

Labor Costs

Ongoing labor costs include weeding, thinning, staking, pruning, and general crop maintenance. Hiring laborers can cost around Ksh 30,000 to Ksh 60,000 annually per acre. Efficient labor management ensures timely completion of farming activities, contributing to better yields.

Cost Of Farming Tomatoes Per Acre In Kenya

Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous expenses, such as purchasing tools, transportation, and other unforeseen costs, can add up to Ksh 5,000 to Ksh 10,000 per year. These costs cover essential but often overlooked aspects of farm management.

Seasonal Maintenance Summary

Item Cost (Ksh)
Watering and Irrigation 15,000 – 25,000
Fertilization 20,000 – 40,000
Pest and Disease Management 5,000 – 15,000
Labor Costs 30,000 – 60,000
Miscellaneous Expenses 5,000 – 10,000
Total Annual Maintenance 75,000 – 150,000

Cost Of Farming Tomatoes Per Acre In Kenya

Total Cost Over Time

To get a clear picture of the cost of farming one acre of tomatoes, both initial and ongoing expenses need to be considered. The first year involves the highest investment due to setup costs, while subsequent years mainly incur maintenance expenses.

Season Initial Costs (Ksh) Maintenance Costs (Ksh) Total Costs (Ksh)
1 86,000 – 212,000 75,000 – 150,000 161,000 – 362,000

Profitability of Tomato Farming in Kenya

Despite the initial investment, tomato farming in Kenya is highly profitable due to the significant yields and high market prices.

On average, one acre of tomatoes can yield about 15,000 to 30,000 kilograms. With market prices ranging from Ksh 50 to Ksh 100 per kilogram, the potential revenue per acre can reach up to Ksh 750,000 to Ksh 3,000,000 per season.

After deducting maintenance costs, the net profit remains substantial.

Profitability: Using the estimated production costs and market prices above, the gross revenue per acre can be calculated as follows:

  • Total revenue (20 tons x Ksh. 50/kg) = Ksh. 1,000,000
  • Total production costs = Ksh. 161,000 (minimum)
  • Gross profit (Total revenue – Total production costs) = Ksh. 839,000

How Many Crates Of Tomatoes Per Acre In Kenya?

While yields vary based on farming practices, a typical range is 267 to 900 crates per acre, with some exceptional farmers reaching up to 1000 crates per acre. The key is implementing good crop husbandry to maximize productivity.

Assuming a crate weighs around 30 kgs, the 8 to 30 tonne average yield per acre would equate to roughly 267 to 1000 crates per acre. The top farmers achieving 20 tonnes per acre would yield around 667 crates.

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