Grapes Yield Per Acre In Kenya 

Grapes Yield Per Acre In Kenya

Grape farming in Kenya can be profitable with a well-managed vineyard capable of yielding between 5 to 10 tons of grapes per acre annually. Some vineyards report individual grapevines producing over 15 kg of grapes each year, highlighting the potential for high overall production.

Profitability in grape farming is substantial, with potential earnings around KES 1.2 million per acre when targeting the export market. Local market prices for grapes vary between KES 70 to KES 300 per kilogram, contingent upon market conditions and grape quality.

Grapes typically take approximately 3 to 4 years to reach full maturity, although they can start producing fruit within the first year after planting.

Initial setup costs for one acre of grapes range from KES 300,000 to KES 500,000, depending on factors such as land preparation, planting materials, and irrigation systems employed.

Grapes Farming in Kenya

Grape farming in Kenya has become increasingly popular due to the country’s favorable climatic conditions and the growing demand for both table grapes and wine grapes.

Understanding the yield per acre, profitability, maturation period, and costs associated with grape farming is essential for optimizing production and maximizing returns.

Grapes Yield Per Acre In Kenya 

How Many Grapes Can Be Produced Per Acre?

A well-managed vineyard in Kenya can produce between 5 to 10 tons of grapes per acre annually. Some farmers report that each grapevine can yield over 15 kg of grapes per year, translating to significant overall production.

The yield of grapes per acre in Kenya can vary based on factors such as grape variety, vineyard management practices, and environmental conditions.

Average Yield

  1. Yield Range: On average, a well-maintained vineyard can produce between 5 to 8 tons of grapes per acre. Under optimal conditions, yields can reach up to 10 tons per acre.
  2. Influencing Factors: Yield is influenced by the grape variety (table grapes vs. wine grapes), soil fertility, irrigation, pruning practices, and pest and disease management.

How Profitable Is Grape Farming In Kenya?

Grape farming is considered profitable, with potential earnings of approximately KES 1.2 million per acre when selling to the export market. Local market prices can vary, with grapes fetching between KES 70 to KES 300 per kilogram, depending on the market and quality.

Grape farming in Kenya is highly profitable due to strong market demand and the potential for high yields. Profitability is determined by several factors including yield, market prices, and production costs.

Economic Benefits

  1. High Market Demand: There is a growing demand for both table grapes and wine grapes in local and export markets.
  2. Revenue Potential: The revenue from grape farming depends on yield per acre and market prices. Table grapes generally fetch higher prices compared to wine grapes.

Profit Calculation Example

  1. Yield and Revenue Calculation
    • Yield: Assuming an average yield of 7 tons (7,000 kilograms) per acre.
    • Market Price: Average market price for table grapes is KES 150 per kilogram, while wine grapes fetch about KES 80 per kilogram.
    • Gross Income (Table Grapes):

Gross Income=7,000 kg×KES150/kg=KES1,050,000

  • Gross Income (Wine Grapes):

Gross Income=7,000 kg×KES80/kg=KES560,000

  1. Production Costs
    • Annual Production Costs: Including labor, fertilizers, irrigation, and pest control, can range from KES 200,000 to KES 300,000 per acre.
  2. Net Profit
    • Net Profit (Table Grapes):

Net Profit=KES1,050,000−KES250,000=KES800,000

  • Net Profit (Wine Grapes):

Net Profit=KES560,000−KES250,000=KES310,000

Grapes Yield Per Acre In Kenya 

How Long Do Grapes Take To Mature In Kenya?

Grapes typically take about 3 to 4 years to reach full maturity, although they can start yielding fruit as early as one year after planting. The highest yields are usually achieved after the vines have established themselves over several years.

The maturation period of grapes in Kenya depends on the variety and growing conditions.

Maturation Period

  1. Establishment Phase: Grapevines typically take about 2 to 3 years to establish and start producing a significant yield.
  2. Full Maturity: Vines reach full maturity and peak production between 4 to 6 years.
  3. Harvesting: The harvest period varies depending on the grape variety, but generally, grapes are harvested once a year. Table grapes are usually harvested in the dry season, while wine grapes are harvested when they reach optimal sugar content.

Grapes Yield Per Acre In Kenya 

How Much Does It Cost To Plant 1 Acre Of Grapes?

The cost to establish an acre of grapes can vary widely based on factors such as land preparation, planting materials, and irrigation systems. However, initial setup costs are generally estimated to be around KES 200,000 to KES 500,000 per acre, depending on the scale and technology used.

The cost of planting one acre of grapes in Kenya includes expenses for land preparation, planting materials, and initial setup.

Initial Setup Costs

  1. Land Preparation: Includes plowing, leveling, and soil testing, costing around KES 20,000 to KES 30,000.
  2. Planting Materials: Quality grapevine seedlings cost between KES 150 to KES 300 each. For one acre, approximately 400 to 600 vines are needed, costing around KES 60,000 to KES 180,000.
  3. Trellis System: Essential for supporting the vines, costing around KES 50,000 to KES 100,000 per acre.
  4. Irrigation System: Drip irrigation setup costs between KES 50,000 to KES 100,000.
  5. Fertilizers and Chemicals: Initial costs for fertilizers and pest control can be around KES 20,000 to KES 30,000.

Total Initial Cost

The total initial cost to plant one acre of grapes ranges from KES 200,000 to KES 500,000, depending on the quality of materials and scale of the setup.


How many grapes can be produced per acre in Kenya? On average, a well-maintained vineyard in Kenya can produce between 6 to 8 tons of grapes per acre, with optimal conditions yielding up to 10 tons per acre.

How profitable is grape farming in Kenya? Grape farming is highly profitable in Kenya. For example, table grapes can generate a net profit of approximately KES 800,000 per acre, while wine grapes can yield around KES 310,000 per acre.

How long do grapes take to mature in Kenya? Grapevines take about 2 to 3 years to establish and start producing significant yields, with full maturity and peak production reached between 4 to 6 years.

How much does it cost to plant 1 acre of grapes in Kenya? The initial cost to plant one acre of grapes in Kenya ranges from KES 200,000 to KES 500,000, covering expenses for land preparation, planting materials, trellis systems, irrigation, and fertilizers.

What factors influence the yield of grapes per acre in Kenya? Yield is influenced by grape variety, soil fertility, irrigation, pruning practices, and pest and disease management.

What is the best time to plant grapes in Kenya? The best time to plant grapes in Kenya is during the early rainy season to ensure adequate water supply for the young vines to establish.

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