Grow Pixie Oranges Seedlings In Kenya for Profit

Are you interested in a profitable agricultural venture in Kenya? Look no further than growing pixie oranges seedlings. Pixie oranges are gaining popularity among Kenyan consumers for their sweeter taste, juiciness, and sharp orange flavor.

However, the current supply of pixie oranges in Kenya is not meeting the growing demand, creating a lucrative opportunity for farmers.

Pixie oranges seedlings can be grown from grafted trees, which mature faster and start producing fruits in the second year. A well-tended pixie orange tree can yield up to 300 fruits per year. The ideal climate for growing pixie oranges in Kenya is warm or hot, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 30°C.

To start your pixie orange farm, you need high-quality seedlings. But where can you buy them in Kenya? There are reputable nurseries like Richfarm Kenya, which provide top-rated pixie oranges seedlings in Kenya. With the right seedlings and proper care, your pixie orange farm can generate a turnover of up to Ksh1.2 million per year.

Grow Pixie Oranges Seedlings In Kenya for Profit

Key Takeaways:

  • Pixie oranges are in high demand among Kenyan consumers due to their sweeter taste and juiciness.
  • Grafted seedlings mature faster and can start producing fruits in the second year.
  • The recommended climate for growing pixie oranges in Kenya is warm or hot, with temperatures between 10°C and 30°C.
  • You can purchase high-quality seedlings from reputable nurseries like Richfarm Kenya.
  • A well-tended pixie orange tree can yield up to 300 fruits per year.

Best Practices for Growing Pixie Oranges Seedlings

Pixie oranges are a popular fruit among Kenyan consumers due to their delicious taste and juicy texture. If you are interested in cultivating pixie oranges, it is important to follow best practices to ensure healthy growth and maximize your yield. Here are some important tips to consider:

1. Soil and Planting

Pixie oranges can thrive in various types of soils, but they prefer well-drained sandy loam soils with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.4. Before planting, prepare the planting holes to a size of 2×2 feet and mix the topsoil with organic manure. This will provide the necessary nutrients for the young seedlings.

2. Climate and Spacing

The ideal climate for growing pixie oranges in Kenya is warm or hot, with temperatures ranging between 10°C and 30°C. Ensure that your planting site receives ample sunlight and protection from strong winds. The recommended spacing for pixie orange trees is 3 by 5 meters, allowing enough room for each tree to grow and develop properly.

3. Seedlings and Nurseries

When selecting seedlings for pixie oranges cultivation, it is crucial to choose high-quality varieties. Reputable nurseries in Kenya, such as Richfarm Kenya, offer reliable pixie oranges seedlings that are certified and superior in quality. These nurseries have the expertise to provide you with the best seedlings for your orchard.

The Profitability of Pixie Orange Farming in Kenya

Pixie orange farming in Kenya is a highly profitable venture. With an acre of pixie orange trees, a farmer can generate a turnover of up to Ksh1.2 million per year. The fruits are sold at an average price of Ksh80 per kilo at the farm gate.

The cost of starting a pixie farm is relatively low, with an initial capital of around Ksh150,000. This includes the purchase of seedlings and planting labor.

Once established, a pixie orange farm can generate income for 20 to 30 years. The market for pixie oranges in Kenya is wide, with a high demand from consumers who are attracted to their bright color, juicy nature, and sweet taste.

Farmers can purchase high-quality pixie oranges seedlings from certified nurseries in Kenya, such as Farmers Trend and Oxfarm Ag Ltd. These nurseries offer top-rated seedlings at the best prices, ensuring that farmers get the best value for their investment.

Investing in pixie orange farming is a smart choice for Kenyan farmers looking to maximize their profits. With the right seedlings supplier, such as Farmers Trend or Oxfarm Ag Ltd, farmers can buy pixie oranges seedlings that are of the highest quality and suitable for the local climate. By establishing a well-maintained pixie orange farm and meeting the growing demand for these delicious fruits, farmers can secure a stable and lucrative source of income for years to come.


Where can I buy high-quality pixie oranges seedlings in Kenya?

You can purchase high-quality pixie oranges seedlings from certified nurseries in Kenya, such as Richfarm Kenya, Farmers Trend, and Oxfarm Ag Ltd.

What are the best practices for growing pixie oranges seedlings?

The best practices for growing pixie oranges seedlings include using grafted seedlings, which mature faster and start producing fruits in the second year. The recommended spacing for pixie orange trees is 3m by 5m, allowing for 270 trees per acre.

Pixie oranges thrive in well-drained sandy loam soils with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.4. Planting holes should be prepared to a size of 2×2 feet, with the top soil mixed with manure for planting.

How profitable is pixie orange farming in Kenya?

Pixie orange farming can be highly profitable, with an acre generating a turnover of up to Ksh1.2 million per year. The fruits are sold at an average price of Ksh80 per kilo at the farm gate. The cost of starting a pixie farm is relatively low, with an initial capital of around Ksh150,000. Once established, a pixie orange farm can generate income for 20 to 30 years.

Grow Pixie Oranges Seedlings In Kenya for Profit

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